The Whole Dukan Plan and an Atkins Comparison

Here are the 4 phases of the Dukan Diet. I thought I’d already laid these out, but I can’t find it in my past posts. Sorry!!

1. Attack Phase – short phase where you eat only lean proteins and nonfat dairy. Lose weight fast during these few days – very motivating! Eat all you want of the 72 allowed foods. (I’ll post the allowed foods separately.)

Nursing moms add daily:
2 servings of fruit
2 slices of whole wheat bread
1 slice of cheese
2T oat bran instead of 1.5
All allowed vegetables

As a nursing mom, I didn’t think I’d lose fast with all these add-ons, but I’ve lost 5# in 2 days!!

2. Cruise Phase – longest phase; lose the bulk of your weight. Alternate pure protein days (as in Attack Phase) with protein + vegetable days.

3. Consolidation Phase – lasts 5 days for every pound lost; Eat as much protein and vegetables each day as you want.
1 serving of fruit/day.
2 slices of whole wheat bread/day, with low-fat butter.
1 serving of hard cheese/day.
1 serving of ‘starchy foods’/week in the 1st half, increasing to 2 servings/week in the 2nd half.
Eat 1 celebration meal (Eat whatever you want!) a week in the 1st half of the Consolidation Phase. Eat 2 celebration meals in the 2nd half!

4. Stabilization Phase – Eat whatever you want! But use the basic tenets of the Consolidation Phase as a base.
Pick 1 day/week – for the rest of your life – when you eat nothing but protein. This is what allows you to eat normally for the other 6 days of the week without putting any weight back on.
Never take elevators or escalators again!
Eat 3T of oat bran a day.

Drink at least 48 oz. of water.
Walk for 20 minutes a day.
Eat 1.5T of oat bran a day.

Dukan is much healthier than Atkins and it has a plan for keeping the weight off. For a Dukan v. Atkins comparison, click here:

Keep the questions coming!

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